Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Early success on the scale, but first this.

So you may have noticed that  I am being true to my word, I will not go on some crazy restrictive diet but I am watching the food i take in as much as i can and still be human.  I know I've said this before but the number one thing that i have noticed through this process is that a lack of grazing has made a huge impact on my eating habits.

I also must admit that i am trying to have smaller portions when i eat so the plate is not overflowing like it often was before.  I haven't gone back for seconds since i started this.  If i wasn't documenting and was just 'trying to loose weight' again, i would have gone back for seconds on several occasions.

I would have had a hand full of jube jubes at night.  Not the normal handful of a human who might just eat a couple, the handful of a monster who knows that he shouldn't have any so he takes a few more.  Then he eats them quickly so that no one will see him do it.  Oh sure, it sounds terrible to see it written there.  It's a little painful even.  But really there are millions of us like this.
We grab more then we should and scarf it all down before anyone can judge us.  What ever reason we may give the truth is this.  We have judged ourselves already.  We want it, we know we shouldn't, so we have it before you can see it.

It's like Ozzy used to say about people who would repent for doing drugs and would say things like 'I don't know why I did it.'  Ozzy's response was,  'of course you know why you did it....you did it to get fucked up.'

Well the same is true here, we eat because it tastes great (insert what ever psychological reason you are eating for here) and you choose your tongue over your health.  Sure, a full tummy feels good.  Do you know what sucks though.  Grocery shopping, loosing yourself in the stroll and realizing the thing you feel swinging slightly back and forth with each step is your stomach.
People, tummy's are not supposed to swing!

Anyways before we get to the food pics a couple of good things happened this week.

Tuesday there was an add on Kijiji for a free treadmill, just pick it up.  The drive is about an hour so i asked the guy to give us two.
We got out there, he explained it was for the dog while he showed us that it worked, smoke streaming out of mouth while he smiled and ran the track.  I had snow on my boots so i didn't want try it out, it all seemed to be fine.
Emily and i were able to get it out to the trailer, strapped and tarped down, we began our drive home in what had turned out to be a treacherous evening of snow and freezing rain.

After almost dying on the off ramp; we slid into a 180 degree turn with a trailer on the back but luckily I didn't hit anyone, or thing.  We left it in the garage over night.  The next day we got it to the basement so i thought i would take it for a quick run before i cleaned it, it really did smell like dog.

As soon as i stepped on the belt, it stopped moving.  The motor kept going but the belt stopped.  After I opened up the front and back I had no doubt that the dog had been the primary user.  I pulled so much fur out of the thing I was looking for a little chihuahua to make a coat for.  After vacuuming out the motor and moving parts i found that the rear roller wasn't putting any tension on the belt; so with a few turns of the screw driver I was able to get the belt moving.

All that to say that we have a new treadmill now and it's a big help in getting into a lifestyle that will allow me to have another way to help become more fit, loose weight and this gut, have i told you how much i hate this thing?

This brings me to the other really good thing.  By Thursday the new scale told me i had lost 8 pounds.  I was down to 142...and it has held for a few days and tonight (Tuesday night) it actually says 140.  That's a 10 pound loss...yay... something is working.

So Monday night a buddy dropped by and we had fresh cut potato wedges with hot sauce, 

later that night I had grapes for a snack.  Yay.

Tuesday breakfast, 1/2 cup yogurt, toast, banana & tea

lunch, homemade soup and a 16oz glass of milk (2%, for crying out loud 1% isn't going to make a difference ....if i wanted water...)

8oz steak with rice and veg.  We just got the treadmill an hour ago, we've worked up an appetite.

Wednesday breakfast, 2 soft-boiled eggs.

I know last week I made a big deal out of not eating things from a box but i went to visit my cousin so our kids could play together and this is what we had for the kids.  Any parents out there will know that you often eat what your kids are eating just to keep life a little simple.  As far as frozen pizza goes, this one was pretty good actually.

Wednesday dinner, leg o' chicken, baked potato's and carrots, caramelized onions and mushrooms.  yum!

Thursday breakfast, granola cereal and blackberries.

Thursday lunch on a bread plate, left over chicken with left over veg and rice.

Friday lunch platter for the family.

Friday night snack, 1/2 cup yogurt with banana

Saturday morning pancake breakfast, two bacon, three little pancakes and some fruit.

Saturday lunch, a slow smoked 6oz steak

Saturday supper, tuna casserole, penne, veg and a little cheese (the old nemesis)

a little cucumber for dessert

 Sunday brunch.  I know it seems that i should eat again on Sundays but I rarely feel the need.
Emily and i did have a little bit of zucchini loaf as it came out of the oven, sorry no pics yet.

Monday breakfast, 1/2 grapefruit

Unfortunately i don't have a picture of lunch because i was in a restaurant and i don't want to be that guy pulling out my camera at the diner.  I had a burger with a side of poutine.  You're right that shouldn't be good for your weight but the scale says I'm still OK, i just can't do it all the time.

 Monday supper

Tuesday, breakfast was two soft boiled eggs, a slice of toast and some tea.  Sorry about the absent pic.

Now Tuesdays lunch warrants two pictures just because it is so fantastic.
The bread was steaming when i cut into the loaf that Emily had just pulled out of the oven.  I smushed up half an avocado to hold the cucumbers to the top slice.  I then used some of the left over mayo, wasabi, hot sauce from the platter on the other slice of bread to hold the mortadella (my favourite) and the capocollo.  

here is a shot of vanilla ice cream and chocolate zucchini cake that i didn't have but gave to my son.  (you wouldn't know there was any zucchini if you tried it.  Emily is amazing.  She always makes stuff that tastes great and then she'll say, i didn't put any sugar, or this is made with rice or something and it always tastes good, not like when your hippy roommate says I made this gluten free and then it tastes like you're eating saw dust.)   I tried to get a shot with no hands in there but this was as good as it was going to get.

Tuesday dinner, on a small bread plate.  Baked fish, rice and some veg from a soup that Emily was making this afternoon.

I hope to keep the weight off and will keep working hard at loosing more.  So far I do a hundred crunches about five days a week.  I do some yoga depending on my personal motivation and now I jog on the treadmill, about ten minutes 5 days a week with a goal of getting to 30 minutes as a norm.  I have tea most every morning.  Milk and sugar in the first one, any others i may have through the day are usually black.  Otherwise i have several (3-9) glasses of water throughout the day.
Thanks for checking in. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool writing mr. Beets- love the photography- beautiful colours.

    - J.J. Trickington, phd,esq.
